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Vi har i årenes løb videreuddannet os, taget certificeringer, gennemført kurser og træning på højt niveau indenfor relevante fagområder.
Som konsulenter er vi stolte over at besidde en række certificeringer, der bekræfter vores ekspertise og engagement i at levere førsteklasses service til vores kunder. Vores certificeringer er resultatet af hårdt arbejde, dedikation og kontinuerlig faglig udvikling. De viser vores evne til at håndtere komplekse udfordringer og sikre, at vi er opdaterede med de nyeste branchestandarder og bedste praksis. Vi mener, at disse certificeringer er en afgørende faktor i at levere den højeste kvalitet i vores konsulenttjenester.
Active Agile Leadership is a platform for leadership training for the creative, innovative, and lifelong learners who push the barriers. It provides you with tools to act as a leader in an agile organisation. Active Agile Leadership is built on a mindset that is scientific and evidence-based. It is active not reactive. It aims to grow creative, thinking, responsible people. Leadership is a skill, not a position, hence leadership is a lifelong learning journey.
AgilePM® is based on the Agile Business Consortium's Agile Project Framework (established for over 20 years) and is the world's leading guidance and certification for agile project management. It offers a practical and repeatable methodology that achieves an ideal balance between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace, change and empowerment provided by agile.
Sikrer optimal interaktion mellem deltagerne, opgaven og dig som facilitator. Skaber krystalklare rammer og budskaber. Håndterer svære situationer. Bringer personer tilbage på sporet. Udvikler selvindsigt i egne styrker og udviklingsområder. Agerer indholdsneutralt, så du ikke står i vejen for gruppens resultatskabelse. Opretholder proces-overblik og kunne give slip på personlige dagsordener. Udøver fleksibilitet og fokuserer på både opgavens mål og gruppens behov. Involverer og sikrer at flere vinkler og perspektiver høres. Opretholder ro og overblik i pressede situationer. Adresserer og håndterer modstand og konflikter på en respektfuld, anerkendende og ansvarlig måde. Aktiverer og engagerer de rette personer og disses kompetencer. Kommunikerer kort, præcist og forståeligt
The Human Element is a holistic and comprehensive methodology for getting results and maximizing the potential of your people. It provides training that creates an open atmosphere in which people can solve problems. It provides you with tools to handle your defensiveness and improve your ability to collaborate. It creates psychological safety in your teams and in your organisation
The Human Element is a holistic and comprehensive methodology for getting results and maximizing the potential of your people. It provides training that creates an open atmosphere in which people can solve problems. It provides you with tools to handle your defensiveness and improve your ability to collaborate. It creates psychological safety in your teams and in your organisation
A Certified SAFe® Agilist (SA) is a Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) enterprise leadership professional who is part of a Lean-Agile transformation.
The Professional Agile Coach has the competences and techniques, that is needed to perform as an Agile Coach or Scrum Master in a professional context. This is a natural next step after your Professional Scrum Master class. To be an Agile Coach is a complicated role, that requires broad and deep knowledge and precise feedback on how and where to improve. This is the core in the Professional Agile Coach education. The education is based on decades of practical experience and a solid theoretical foundation from Professional Business Facilitering (IAF), Training from the Back of the Room!, Professional Coaching (ICF), NLP, Management 3.0 etc. A Professional Agile Coach is challenged during the entire education and each participant will achieve personal development to establish and refine a strong foundation as a Professional Agile Coach.
A Certified SAFe® Agile Product Manager combines Design Thinking with Lean-Agile values and principles to create products and solutions that are desirable, viable, feasible, and sustainable. They understand how Continuous Exploration fuels innovation and helps to define a vision, strategy, and roadmap to tap into new markets and accelerate the product lifecycle to get fast feedback to deliver exception products and solutions.
A Certified SAFe® Agilist (SA) is a Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) enterprise leadership professional who is part of a Lean-Agile transformation.
En certificeret SAFe® Practive Consultant (SPC) er i Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) en forandringsagent, som leder alle niveauer i en organisation igennem en Lean-Agile transformation i stor skala ved at træne, coache, facilitere og vejlede organisationen. Denne servant leader spiller en afgørende rolle i forandringsarbejdet ved at anvende ekspertviden om SAFe.
As a Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®), you’ll help the Scrum Team perform at their highest level. CSMs also protect the team from both internal and external distractions. Through the certification process, you will learn the Scrum framework and gain an understanding of team roles, events, and artifacts.
Product owners have a unique and demanding role on agile teams. A product owner decides what the team will create next in order to deliver more value to the customer. In a Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO®) class, you'll learn the framework, principles, and values that make scrum work, plus key skills and tools you need to be effective. You will discover how to juggle multiple stakeholders’ needs, get hands-on practice creating a product vision, and learn new ways to get to know your customers so that you can choose the right next piece of value to bring to market for them.
Certified Scrum Professionals challenge their teams to improve the way Scrum and Agile principles are applied. They have demonstrated experience, documented training, and proven knowledge in Scrum. The CSP® certification is unique to developers and distinct from a Certified Scrum Professional®-ScrumMaster (CSP®-SM) or Certified Scrum Professional®-Product Owner (CSP®-PO).
Direct Leadership® gives you the tools to be a visible and engaging leader. Your employees will be motivated and productive. Everybody will see that you are doing a good job. You will feel competent and confident. A unique leadership concept, that holds the power to transform a leader's existing and future competencies into engaging leadership action, combines with- and is a catalyst for all competence based leadership training, is focused on the kind of leadership that employees need to thrive and perform their best, concentrates on the leaders's day-to-day leadership deliverables, makes leadership a question of effective deliveries - not the leader's personality
Pave the way for better operations and performance in your organization. Connect the CMMI model with business value. Describe the components of CMMI. Use CMM as a tool for improving performance. Understand the high-level value of a CMMI Appraisal.
An IPMA certification at Level B for project management requires that the candidate has acted in a complex project environment within an organisation. Eligibility criteria include that within the last eight years, the candidate needs to have a minimum of five years experience as a project manager of which at least three years were in a responsible leadership function managing complex projects.
The Foundation Level Syllabus forms the basis for the International Software Testing Qualification at the Foundation Level. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board® (ISTQB®) provides it to the national examination bodies for them to accredit the training providers and to derive examination questions in their local language. Training providers will produce courseware and determine appropriate teaching methods for accreditation, and the syllabus will help candidates in their preparation for the examination. The Foundation Level qualification is aimed at anyone involved in software testing. This includes people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers. This Foundation Level qualification is also appropriate for anyone who wants a basic understanding of software testing, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors and management consultants. Holders of the Foundation Certificate will be able to go on to a higher level software testing qualification.
The ITIL Foundation certification is designed as an introduction to ITIL and enables candidates to look at IT service management through an end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and continual improvement of tech-enabled products and services. The certification can help Those who require a basic understanding of the ITIL framework, Those who want to understand how ITIL can be used to enhance IT service management, IT professionals or others working within an organization that has adopted ITIL. However, the ITIL Foundation certification can benefit anyone who has an interest in IT se, vice management.
Management 3.0 follows the systems thinking idea that 95 percent of the performance of an organization is the result of the whole system, not the individual. Management 3.0 examines how to analyze that system to come up with the right solutions for better and effective leadership across organizations.
PRINCE2® Foundation CPD demonstrates this individual has maintained and improved their skills and abilities in relation to their PRINCE2® Foundation qualification. They have committed to remain current and relevant within the project management industry, and strengthen their knowledge of working effectively in a project management team. The skills gained reflect an application of knowledge in a professional capacity and learning suited to their development needs.
The Practitioner certification is the second level in the PRINCE2 certification scheme, which follows the Foundation certification. As a PRINCE2 Practitioner, you demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how to apply and adjust the PRINCE2 methodology in different project scenarios and environments.
People who have passed PSM I, achieving certification, demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSM I certificate holders prove that they understand Scrum as described in the Scrum Guide and how to apply Scrum in Scrum Teams. PSM I holders have a consistent terminology and approach to Scrum.
People who have passed PSM II, achieving certification, demonstrate an advanced level of Scrum mastery. PSM II certificate holders prove that they have an understanding of the underlying principles of Scrum and can effectively apply Scrum in complex, real-world situations.
People who have passed PSM III, achieving certification, demonstrate a distinguished level of Scrum mastery. PSM III certificate holders have a deep understanding of the application and practices of Scrum and the Scrum Values in a variety of complex team and organizational situations.
The Radical Collaboration Trainer Certification uses a blend of experiential learning, scientifically-validated instruments, and practice teaching others to provide you with an understanding and the experience necessary to be successful as a professional.
The mastering of 65 training strategies that are guaranteed to deliver outstanding training results no matter what the topic, group, or learning environment. Trainers can replace the traditional "Trainers talk; learners listen" paradigm with a radical new model for designing and delivering instruction: "When learners talk and teach, they learn."
The Professional ScrumTM with Kanban level I (PSK I) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate their knowledge of the how Scrum Teams can use Scrum with Kanban ability to support value creation and delivery.